Wednesday, September 21, 2011

And So Begins Autumn Quarter

Today was the first day of school. I only had one class today. And it was with Aarthi! Both of us got up this morning and said "do you really want to go to class today?" We are like minds.

I went to class. Psychology of Learning. Doesn't seem too bad. It'll be pretty interesting, I think.
I'm feeling pretty good about it, actually. And it looks like it'll be mildly entertaining.

After Class: Work, Meeting, Errands, Cooking Dinner.
It'll be a great night.


Friday, September 16, 2011

The End of Summer. For Real!

These 3 weeks of summer have been AMAZING.

Last week, Tim and I went to visit one of my dearest friends in Pittsburgh. I meant to write every couple of days, but I didn't. Which is a pity. It was an amazing near-week-long trip. So exciting, so comfortable. Tim and Patrick got on very well. We also visited my sister! She is doing so well. And her roommate rocks. I am very happy.

Notable places in Pittsburgh included: the Strip, 21st Street Coffee, Smithfield Diner, DeLuca's Diner, Presto George Coffee and Tea Shop, FANTASTIC sushi at Penn Avenue Fish Company, tapas and caipirinha at Seviche, beer at Sharp Edge, terrible food and decent beer at Hofbräuhaus, ice cream at The Milk Shake Factory, among many other things. Tim and I  I can honestly say I had the time of my life.

Then I got home and had to catch up with a lot of things at work. No problem. Busy, but not too stressful.

Why is this weekend going to rock?
+ Went grocery shopping last night
+ Tonight, Tim and I are going to see World on a Wire, thanks to the wonderful Wexner Center of the Arts
+ Tomorrow, we are going to the Short North Microbrew Festival
+ A good friend just got back from her 6 months in Maine. Reunion will include drink and company
+ Sunday has the potential to include drunk brunch and/or playtime. Though I have a lot of sewing I want to get done.

My second job starts Monday, school starts Wednesday.
Once I get my planner I will be ready to tackle it all. :)

Currently Listening: Little Birds by Neutral Milk Hotel
Currently Readin: The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera

Thursday, September 15, 2011

That feeling when your shrink cancels your appointment for tomorrow and has nothing available for weeks and you want off these damn meds.