Sunday, September 19, 2010

2 Days

Lots of writing tonight.
Feeling crazy.

Missing everything.
Hating JP.
Missing JP.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Summer At Its End

[Very] Quick Update!

School starts in less than a week.
I am freaking out.
My summer has been AMAZING.
I am stressed as fuck.
I just moved last week.
I have so much to do tonight. And tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after.
I am in love.
I hate school.
I've lost 3 pounds this summer, living on mac n cheese and cereal.
Tim's bike got stolen, which is hilarious because it has no brakes so no one would want it.
I wonder if they'll put it back.
I hope I can get everything done before school starts.
I hope I have time for me-time fun.
I hope I get to read a little.
I hope.
This weekend is going to be ridiculous.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Shit! It's September!

I only wrote once in August? Weird!
It was a very interesting, busy, amazing month. So I guess I just didn't care to take the time out of my life to write.

I've been doing lots of working, movie-watching, exploring, photo-taking, and loving life.

Pretty much, things are going really, extremely well. So as long as I ignore the fact that school's coming up quickly.
This weekend is going to be fucking epic as shit, though!

This week has be über stressful so far. I was totally freaking out because we're moving into our new place (and I haaate moving) and I had to figure out internet plans and set that up and set up utilities, and moving means more people will be in Columbus, which means lots of hanging out, which means time will go really fast, which means school will be here, which means I'll be depressed as shit until next summer. And I had other stuff on my plate, too, that was freaking me out because it's a lot! AHHHH!!!!

But I've been doing alright with it! I'm accepting that I can't stop time from progressing; I can only make the best of what time I have. It's just a mini installment of life.

I got all the utilities taken care of (which involved a few issues, which were resolved with long phone calls). I have a lot of stuff to do on my computer that I haven't gotten to yet, but I've gotten it started and there is a plan in place.

And this weekend--Labor Day Weekend--is gonna be busy as sheeyit! But hopefully enjoyable. :)))
Thursday: I am going to work, then leaving 3 hours early (a 5 hour work day isn't bad at all!), then "organizing" things at home, then my dad is coming, we will have dinner, then we will drive back to Hudson, where I will break out my fantastic camera and take photos and see 'lyssa (hopefully!) and just enjoy being alive.
Friday: I will be getting up early (ugh!) to do allll the shit I've gotta get done. Some of this includes a couple of surprises for a couple of amazing people. c:  A lot of this includes shopping for things I need desperately, cleaning out my desk, and preparing things for moving in 10 days. And going to the bank to adjust some stuffs. Then (hopefully!!!) having some time to do some stuff I want to do (which includes working on a mix I'm making) before heading out to Lake for the high school football game so I can watch my Ishy cheer. :3
Saturday: Getting up at a decent hour, finishing the shopping with Mom, then going to the family picnic in Youngstown, then flying solo on a quest to visit Tim's family (I hope they like meeee >.< ).
Sunday: Tim and me driving from his house to mine, having lunch with my family (I think?), then going to Coventry to explore and photograph! Then back to Hudson for playtime in the parks and cemeteries.
Monday: After a "leisurely breakfast", heading back home to Columbus, where I will freak out about work the next day. Oh, the joy of long weekends.

I really don't like visiting my family, in that I hate getting back home and immediately being thrust into another work week. I need time to do my own thing. It's great seeing family and friends (which doesn't really happen much because my numerous family picnics take over), but I like getting things done and being happy and stable. Alas, I will deal with the oddity in my schedule and enjoy the change of scene. :)

Also, sorry I'm taking so long to update my photo blog! I should be able to do that some time this weekend.
Keep an eye out, loves! XO