Tuesday, July 28, 2009

First Final Monday

So, last night was interesting.

I dunno. I don't really have much to say besides I still hate who I am when I'm drunk and wish that certain things never occurred, such as that creeper sitting down to talk to me while trying to convince me to fuck him and I somehow gave him my phone number? so Anoush is going to be answering my phone in Armenian because I saved his number as "Creepy Guy Ick" so I know not to answer/respond, among other things.

I didn't do anything stupid, I just hate who I am when drinking heavily.

Ugh I dunno. What a night.

And apparently I sent some drunktexts to Christian that really worried him, then apparently called him while I was drunk and about to go to bed (with Anoush overseeing and helping me get it all to work), and I honestly don't remember what I said to him or if he even picked up, but Anoush told me that I pretty much said "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" over and over again and cried and didn't really say anything else coherent. Soo... yeahh... so much for making him not worried about me. Gah I dunno.

I never sleep when I'm drunk. Totally opposite from most people, I know, but I just laid in bed awake all night. Fucking horrible. It was a good thing I went home from class yesterday and did nothing but sleep until we got ready to leave for the Hard Rock Café. But I have a huge final exam on Thursday that is going to be killer and an Arabic narration to memorize plus I want to enjoy my last week in Beirut. So frustrating. Exhausted and knowing there's nothing left is difficult. (But to do something worthwhile, Anoush and I have decided to get ice cream at least once a day during our last week.) I dunno. So difficult. So frustrating.

I'm ready to go home, honestly. I'm ready to go to PA to see Christian. I'm ready to start to make money again. I'm ready to study on my own time for a bit. I'm ready to see my friends, especially my sissy and my 'lyssa. I'm ready to have non-shitty internet. I'm ready to be able to text my friends and not find out about all the shit that has happened at one time. I'm ready to be rid of all this drama. I'm ready, and that is that. I love Lebanon and Beirut, but it's time to go.

Programs like this make me really happy I don't get emotionally attached to people easily.

Also. I found out I'm allergic to Kahlua. Awesome. NOT. >.<

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