Beirut, Lebanon: 1pm
Well, Friday, the day before said party, we spent hours trying to figure out how to make a single red, white, and blue drink/shot. Didn't work. We had grenadine syrup for the bottom, Half and Half for the middle, and Blue Caraçao for the top. Unfortunately, the Half and Half and Blue Caraçao curdled, so it didn't sit right. We were thinking of going out and getting some peach schnapps to use for the middle white layer, but we didn't know if it would work and we didn't want to spend even MORE money. Kir was gonna make jello shots, but we never really got around to it, since after all the taste-testing (and those bitches tasted like SHIT!), we were all quite tipsy (although we did saturate a watermelon with vodka. mmm!!!). It was nice and chill, though. Then, of course, we realized we were almost out of booze, so we just decided to mix a few drinks with the fantastic juice they have here in Lebanon and sat and chilled for awhile before going back to our rooms to study.
But yesterday, oh man. It was intense.
It was a fairly big party. We all god all cute and dressed up. Kir did my hair all pretty. And we went upstairs. It was all really fun until one of my friends went missing... In Beirut.... Near a bad neighborhood.... Wearing less-than-acceptable clothing for nighttime... Without money for a cab home in case she got lost... Without her phone.... Without her key.... It was a disaster.
She went missing around 11 and was missing for about 2, 2.5 hours. I was panicked and frustrated and worried as shit. Of course, I am a responsible drinker, so I sobered up real quick. We checked the roof, all the rooms in the building, and had 3 separate search parties go around for awhile looking for her. Nothing. One of my other roommates waited in the flat for her, in case she came home, and I went back to the party after looking for her for 2 hours, because she might stumble back into the party and I knew there was nothing else we could do. So, I was in a rather foul mood, and I'm not usually bitchy when I'm drunk. I was just worried and pissed and felt so helpless because I knew I couldn't do anything more.
The story of what happened to her is ridiculous.
So, she went out and walked a long way (while drunk), got lost, and ended up sitting on a sidewalk crying. Some guy came up to her and asked her if she was ok, asked if she needed food, or if she needed money, and she kept telling him she was fine. So he walked away. He apparently turned around and came back and said, "You speak English! Will you be my teacher? I've never practiced English with a girl before!" and took her to a café and bought her a Shirley Temple and they talked. Apparently, as soon as they sat down at the café, he told her "hold on" then got up and returned with two little roses. He kept telling her that the view was great from his apartment and asking if she wanted to go up there to look, and she kept saying no, no, no. Then he said "Oh, don't worry! I'm engaged!" Still a little scary, but still. After he had deemed their speaking English to be enough, he helped her find Hamra street so she could get home. She said it was scary because she kept asking where Hamra was and was basically held hostage until he was done talking to her because she had no idea where she was and didn't want to go wandering out and run into some really bad people.
When she got home, we flipped. We were so happy. Then I went back upstairs, and did my happy drinking. The watermelon was gooood! And it was really nice to chill.
Afterwards, I helped my friend clean up his room as others went to one of the other guys' apartment in West Beirut and two other dudes went to the beach to set off fireworks. The room was a mess. It still is. The floor is covered with beer and sticky as fuck, a piece of glass in the tv stand was broke--a fucking quarter-inch piece of glass! Seriously?--the garbage cans were overflowing, ash trays full, watermelon rhinds everywhere... So I helped Samy clean, and we chilled and talked.
How fucking ridiculous!
I would say I'll have many more stories of this level of craziness in the near future, but I don't drink when at university in the US. I don't know, I have more important things to do. Plus, I'm underage. I don't really care, though. I'd rather work my ass off with school and work so I do well and stay afloat and chill with my roomies and a movie, and the occasional beer or glass of wine while doing my homework. Whatever. It's better. I really don't drink much unless school's not in session for me at OSU. I prefer sober fun.
What a fucking crazy night. Only in Beirut...

By the way, this is what I was wearing last night :)
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