Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sickkkk :((

This weekend has been fun... For the most part.
Luke wasn't here this weekend, so it was pretty strange...

I have honestly done nearly no work at all this weekend, though.
Quite possibly the most unproductive weekend of my life.
And I have a killer econ midterm on Thursday. Fuck.

Anyway, Friday, Aarthi, Molly, Matt, and I decided to go down to Cane's (because Aarthi & Molly had never been there before!) and watch drunk people. Theresa even made us a hilarious scavenger hunt list. And even though it was only 11, we found quite a few things on the list!!!
We ran into Ena & Chris on the way there, so they went with us.

After eating, we were gonna go to Axis, the gay/lesbian dance club in the Short North, but we were waiting for Ena's AWESOME friend Acacia to get here... but she got lost... and we didn't go (even though Aarthi and I were crazy ho-ed out and ready to DANCEEEE!!!)

We were sexiled that night, so we went to sleep.
I woke up in the morning feeling a little weird, but I got up. Then I tried to plug in my computer charger, and LO AND BEHOLD! it didn't work! So I spent all damn morning corresponding with Dell trying to figure out what was going on. Eventually they just said they'd ship me a new one. Then I volunteered for 2 hours. Then changed right back into my PJs. I started not feeling very well. My throad was hurting a lot. We WERE gonna go to Axis that night, but I didn't feel well. Molly & Matt and some band people were over. It was funny cuz this one guy was totally flirting with Aarthi and she didn't even realize it! I loooove Aarthi and her innocence!

Anyway, I got really sick, and when I get sick, I get really... off. Very mental.
So I spent quite some time alone.
Then went to bed.
And coughed all fucking night.

When I woke up this morning, I felt like complete shit.
So Molly and I went to Marketplace for food.
Then came back.
Still with nothing done.
Then Chris and I went to Target. I bought vapor rub, cough drops, and cough syrup. Intense.
Then back. Now still not doing homework.

I am so sick. It's bad.
I feel like crap.
I've already decided to skip work all week because I have so much to do and don't feel well.
So we'll see what happens. :-\


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