We are leaving Roma soon! I am in a happily tipsy state, since we were upgraded to Economy Plus seats (more legroom!) and Dad got a voucher to let us in the lounge, where there was complementary white wine. So I am happy and relaxed. We are seated and classical music plays on the PA as everyone else is scrambling to take their seats.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Ciao, Roma!
We are leaving Roma soon! I am in a happily tipsy state, since we were upgraded to Economy Plus seats (more legroom!) and Dad got a voucher to let us in the lounge, where there was complementary white wine. So I am happy and relaxed. We are seated and classical music plays on the PA as everyone else is scrambling to take their seats.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Day 3 in Roma: The Last Day
Monday, June 28, 2010
Day 2 in Roma: Vatican City
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Day 1 in Roma: Colosseo and Palatine Hill
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I'm on a Train
Friday, June 25, 2010
Random Day 2: The Bitchin' One
Zio Tio said that when his son (Maurizio) visits, he goes down to the gelateria every morning for breakfast, haha! We got a tour of the kitchen, too! Naturally, I took pictures.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Random Day 1: The Boring One
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Gotta Love the Fontane Farm
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Exploring Fontane
Monday, June 21, 2010
Dreams, Mount Etna, and traveling to Fontane
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Tomorrow Here, Today There
This evening (after I took a nap that I never got woken up from), we went to dinner with Maurizio and his sons and wife. We went to this festival downtown somewhere and walked around the shopping booths and ate at a fantastic pizza place.
We didn't get any gelato or ice yet, but I'm sure it's coming. I've heard rumors that one of the people we'll be staying with next owns a gelato shop!
Anyway, I'm off to take a sleeping pill and read for awhile. Up in 8 hours to go see Mount Etna (a VOLCANO!!!)! Then we'll eat lunch and drive to Fontane to stay with the other part of the family. There is internet there, but it's ethernet, so we'll see how accessible it is. Whatever! I'm not horribly worried about staying in touch. This is already more than I expected. But I'm on vacation, so I don't want to be doing my translation and such. I had my vacation approved, so no worries. :-P
My Uncle Tino said that a few years ago when Etna erupted, he would sit on his porch and watch the lava pour down the sides. Reallly cool!
Have a photo of Mount Etna, and I'll be in contact sometime soon! <3
?raB ekidnolK a rof od uoy dluow tahW
I would turn that phrase around! And I'm good at it, too!
What would you do for a Klondike Bar? <---SEE?!?! ^_^
Carbonated water or American water?
American water? Are we such assholes that mineral water has been named after us?
Mineral water, please. It's easier to see the purty of the water. xD
I have been keeping a travel journal, so I will type in the entries on here (with corresponding photos!) as I find interwebs/get home. I have SIX PAGES so far! Sooo HERE GOES! xD
June 18-19: The ones that blur together.
I am currently so tired that I am having a bit of vertigo and can barely see straight - so my writing is suffering. Alas, I will do my best!
I had a hard-core breakdown two days before the trip. Lots of yelling and arguing and crying. Tensions were very high, and I was worried that they would carry over to the actual trip. But it turned out ok!
Our first flight went well. On time. We landed in DC around 5pm on the 18th. We were supposed to leave from DC to Munich at 8:15, but the flight was delayed until 10:05. It was disheartening, but we knew we would still make the connection from Munich to Catania, Sicily. So we spent time eating, walking around the terminal, and played cards--
--We certainly enjoyed our time in a non-cramped space.
On the flight, which was an easy 8 hours because we flew at night, there were 2 mostly-well behaved infants and 2 HORRIBLY behaved toddlers. They threw tantrums and just screamed and yelled whenever they didn't get something they wanted. It was awful. I had trouble sleeping during that flight, though I believe I slept quite awhile beacuse when I awoke (TO ONE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED PAIN-IN-THE-ASS TODDLERS SCREAMING "TURN THE LIGHT OFF!!" AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS FOR TWENTY MINUTES WHEN STEWARDESSES WERE BEGINNING TO SERVE BREAKFAST. I told my sister that I was seriously considering silencing the kid myself, and we all know that it wouldn't end well for the kid--but the rest of the plane would probably testify in favor of me in court), we were being served breakfast and had only an hour and a half to go. Still, I have been in need of good sleep ever since.
Once we arrived in Munich, we chilled until our flight to Catania, which left a bit late, but no worries. I slept soundly for a solid hour during the flight, hugging my backpack. I'm fairly certain I looked like the guy in SkyMall.

Anyway, lots of pictures, a landing, and almost losing our luggage later, we met our waiting family outside customs. I am sad to report that we did not get a Sicily/Italy stamp on our passports, as we received a stamp in Germany because both countries are in the EU. I am very sad.
My dad and Maurizio, my cousin, once removed, went to get my dad's renal car while we waited in the outside pick-up area with my once-removed uncle Tino. We were waiting and this adorable stray dog came up! He looked to be part German Shepherd, as his markings matched those of our dog, but he was a little on the skinny side and had burrs in his fur. His nails were clipped, though. He rummaged through trash cans and begged off of people, but he ended up sniffing us then laying down on Amanda's foot to sleep. In all that noise! Also, this is the first dog with balls intact that I have ever seen.
Dad and Maurizio finally returned with their respective cars, and we left for Tino's house, where my aunt Mary was waiting. And they have a HUGE dog! He's 11 years old with nothing wrong with him! Sooo cute! :3
Food, talking, trying to understand excited relatives, baths, more food, and learning new words.
And now -- SLEEP! It's only 9:30pm. I feel like an old fart! :-P
June 20: Taormina
I slept like a rock last night. I woke up a couple times but fell right back to sleep. I had a couple weird dreams, though. One was: a friend from high school and I went to my old church and I just was so upset and my parents were there and I think I was making out with someone (can't remember who--someone I haven't seen in awhile) then people showed up for church and I got out of that situation but started making a scene because "nobody got it" and blah blah blah, I rocked the boat, the Christians hate me, parents drove me home, the end.
And now that I've written the second dream down, I can't remember the first one. It was something to do wtih my last 2 swipes and food. Whatever.
We went up to Taormina today. They don't want lots of people driving up there, so they won't let non-residents park there. We parked in a parking garage then took a bus.
Taormina is really touristy, but we went in the morning, before the tourists got there. My sister and I each bought a Taormina bag--few people are going to have one or even know where it is. Just so you know, it is a city up in the mountains, so it's beautiful and surprisingly hot. It was absolutely gorgeous. We spent more for lunch than we did for 2 bags and an apron! 30 euros! And 24 for the other stuff. It's not horrible, really--and much less than we'll be spending in Rome--but it's ok. It's not like we didn't learn our lesson. Now we're headed back because Aunt Mary made pasta (which dad also didn't think about. Oh well!).
We're just relaxing tonight. Maurizio said there's a fantastic Italian ice stand close to the house, so he might take us all there later. :)
Tomorrow, we're going to Mount Etna. It's going to be really cool! Then we'll go back to the house for lunch, then say goodbye and drive 2 hours to Fontane. Amanda, Mom, and I all want Sicilia hoodies, so we're going to look for them there because it'll be less touristy and cheaper.
I'm understanding a lot more Sicilian than I expected to. There is no English outside my immediate family, so I'm learning a lot through immersion. I was expecting my knowledge of Italian to be better--here's hoping I'm just as good at it as I am with Sicilian! I'm still having the anxiety when peopole speak to me, so I don't understand much then, but my listening (and interpreting for my Ishy and mom) is pretty good! Then again, this is based on me expecting not to understand anything. The French and Latin has helped a lot.
Dad is sharing music with Mauizio. He loves 80's much, like ACDC and Led Zeppelin and Van Halen and such. It's hilarious.
ANYWAY! Goodbye for now! Perhaps you'll hear from me tomorrow afternoon before I leave for Fontane, but who knows!
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Final Hours
I am not ready, but I am going.
To those of you who are curious, we are leaving tomorrow and will land in Catania, Sicily at 4:40pm their time. We will be 6 hours ahead.
We're family-hopping for the first week, up in the mountains.
The first few days we'll be staying with family that lives at the foot of Mount Etna. Funsies!
Then an eight hour train ride to Rome.
Then chilling in Rome the 26th-30th when we leave.
However, the hotel we're staying in is within walking distance from the Trevi Fountain!
We return around 9pm on June 30th.
Making the best of things, making the best of things, making the best of things...
But yes, I am definitely stressed as fuck right now. It took me over 5 hours to do my translation today. And I have 2 assignments to do for my poli sci class. Oh shit and I have to rent a textbook. OH FAIL. Anywayy.... HERE WE GO.
IN CLOSING! Please do not text me after 5pm tomorrow and don't start again until 4pm on June 30. I'm sure I will text twitter and facebook when I land. Photos will soon follow!
- Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
- A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
- The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters
- A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
- The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom
- Various Italian phrase- and grammarbooks
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Is your favorite movie of all time Norbit? If not then what?
Not a fan of Norbit. I prefer not to be able to predict every second of a movie.
My favorite movie of all time is The Fountain. Absolutely brilliant and emotional. And I LOVE Mayan mythology. Darren Aronofsky is a fucking genius. He's never done anything I don't like. I bawl throughout the entire damn film. So beautiful.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Do beards makes you lusty?
Oh, always. Especially with some leftovers from last night's midnight snack. Mmm MM!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Vanilla sex only or are you into more interesting things?
HAHAHA omg what the hell are you talking about? Oh I love formspring!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
A Quick Thought: Cunt
Cunt is one of my favorite words.
You can say it around children because:
1) parents don't teach that one to them and
2) even if they ask "What does that mean?" how many kids will know what you're talking about when you say "Oh, it means 'vagina'"?
That is all. :)
All Over the Place
Perhaps it's because I haven't taken my pills for days now.
Oh, that reminds me. I've gotta remember to pack those. Well, damn.
I mean, I'm really not looking horribly forward to this vacation, but I talked to my mom on the phone today, and she simply reassured me that she and Amanda and I are all on the same boat. I said something about not knowing how many books to bring, and she was like "Amanda and I were just trying to figure that out, too!"
So yes. That's making me feel much better.
I'm just going to try to look at the "vacation" as an adventure and some quality time with my sister. And with Beckie Cousin and Matt! That'll be swell! :)
I've had a pretty good day. Last night was tough, but today has been better. I've baked 2 cakes in 4 days, so I'm certainly gaining weight. But I figure once the novelty of cooking and actually having a kitchen wears off (and my Easter candy finally runs out!), I'll resume my typical eating habits. :-P
It's so nice to have Molly here. She's an absolute joy and hilarious to live with.
Like I said, today has been fantastic. We just finished watching Boogie Nights, which followed a couple hours of Scrubs and baking/eating a Funfetti cake with chocolate fudge frosting! And before that, Chipotle! (for the first time in QUITE awhile!) And before that, we watched Jesus camp (naturally a beer was necessary to get us through it.) And during the Scrubs episodes, I sewed 2 belts! I just have 1 to go!
So why don't I stop confusing you by going backwards, shall I?
Anyway, I've had a very productive and enjoyable day. Haven't had a chance to touch my guitar or flute yet, but I hope to in July. And I haven't finished the book I'm currently reading, which I wanted to finish before going home Monday, but I probably won't. I'll just be sure to finish it before I leave for Italy.
Tomorrow (today?), I need to pack, tidy up the apartment a little bit, and THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS SHOW IN THE EVENING!!!!
I will probably make myself mac n cheese for breakfast, haha. Love it!
Anyway, I need to go wash my feet, get ready for bed, and do some reading. Hopefully kitten cuddles will follow.
Goodnight, my dear (and few) readers! <3
have ya ever had sex with a lady?
Hahaha all I can think of is "Dude looks like a laaadaaaayyy!"
And no, haha.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
So you like piercings and you like corsets. What about corset piercings?
I think corset piercings are absolutely beautiful.
However, I cannot get past the impracticably of the piercing. Some piercings are only mildly invasive and/or take little adjustment, but I am far too clumsy to be able to wear clothing without tearing them out. Plus, it would hard-core bother me that I cannot see them well enough to take care of them while they heal.
So those who can have them and can take care of them correctly, I respect their dedication. And I love their body art.
I have a documentary called Modify, directed by Jason Gary, on my Netflix, actually. Can't wait to watch it! I watched one called A Jihad for Love last night. It's about the quest for gay Muslims to rectify Islam and their sexual orientation. I definitely recommend it.
Anyway, I hope I answered your question! Feel free to ask me more questions about piercings and body modification! It's a passion of mine, in theory if at not in practice. I wish I could, though!
Will you be regaling us with play-by-play commentary of your trip?
Alas, I will not. I have little hope for Internet access in Sicily. We're getting to a hotel in Rome on the 26th, and they /will/ have internet, but I'm not sure how much time I will have, since we will all be sharing my dad's computer.
I apologize that I will not be writing updates as exciting as my London trip, but I promise to take shit tons of photos and post a blog entry and answer any questions left here as soon as I get back! :)
Yay, you found it! Infinite Jest was probably the best book I've ever read, and also the most challenging. It might be enough to keep you occupied for however long your vacation is, but you might be the super-brain kind of person who can just devour it.
Yeah it's definitely difficult. I started reading it during my winter break last December, and just couldn't get through it. I was also dealing with a lot of other stuff, too. It just wasn't the time to read it, I suppose. But I did find it difficult, but I have been encouraged by multiple people that I should continue reading it, so it is my main goal during the trip (and extensive plane rides).
Friday, June 11, 2010
Summer. Well, fuck.
- Work, 30 hrs/wk
- Internship, 2-3 hrs/day, 5 days a week---> 10-15 hrs/wk
- Online class at CSCC
- Class to get credit for the internship, which in and of it self includes 2 weekly assignments, an interview assignment, and two 5 page papers
- Volunteering
- 3 week family time/vacation, which will put me behind on everything before I even start!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Healthy Eating
Today, I have consumed:
- fettuccine alfredo from the Marketplace (meh)
- a yellow cake with chocolate fudge frosting, which I baked (and ate most of)
- Cherry Coke (yay!)
- And two whopping, huge-ass bows of Target-brand Fruity Pebbles. (ÜBERWIN!)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Well, DAYUM.
- Online psychology prereq class through Columbus State Community College, as approved for my Honors Contract
- Internship with Mondokio, LLC. which I've done before and loved. I'm excited to improve my French again!
- Work at the library in the cataloging department
- Work at the Research Office.
- Netflix