Monday, June 21, 2010

Dreams, Mount Etna, and traveling to Fontane

Had 2 really weird dreams last night. The weirdest: the school board put forth the Pepper Bill, which said that gay people and vegetarians were not real people and would not be considered as such. It was a very stressful dream. Very frustrating, as you could (or couldn't) imagine.

Mom has been sick all day. Her stomach has felt weird for a few days, and last night and today were the worst. But she's doing a little better, now.

Mount Etna was so cool! Mom didn't go because of her stomach, but Dad, Amanda, and I did. Zio Tino came (our navigator!) and stayed in the car. The three of us went in a crater, then climbed to the top of a huge one that was formed in 2001. It was a really long and hard climb, but we made it! Amanda was first, then dad and I got up. We were out of breath a lot, haha. Bad shape + high altitudes = DAYUM.

Afterwards, we bought some souvenirs and had lunch. Then we left for Fontane.

Let me tell you, Fontane is gorgeous! It is really high up in the mountains, and on a family compound. We wake up in the morning and there is a perfect view of the mountains and the blue water! Absolutely breathtaking! Amanda and I are staying in the room where my Poppi [grandfather] and his 7 siblings were born. WOW!

We had dinner with this massive chunk of family: Zia Carmella and her husband Vito, Nazio and his wife Teresa, Nino (Nazio's brother), and Tino. So many names! Nino had meningitis when he was 15 months old, and the fever was so high for so long that it injured his brain, so he's mentally handicapped. But functioning well! They have here TONS of land, 4 dogs, 2 cows (1 for milk, 1 to butcher in December), 3 pigs, lots of chickens, a garden, and many fruit trees (figs, olives, plums, etc.). It's amazing! And at dinner, they were trying to fix me up with Nazio & Teresa's youngest boy Antonio... Umm... Awesome.... Let's hope that doesn't continue. :-\

Now, we are finishing up our showers and going to sleep. We are here for 5 nights, then on to Roma. What a great vacation this has turned out to be! Ciao!

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