I have been to each of this quarter's classes.
I think it's going to be a relatively easy quarter.
There is one class that will be intellectually stimulating, but nothing overly difficult, I don't know.
I'm taking 15 credit hours. AKA 3 classes.
Plus my 2 part-time jobs, both of which cut my hours.
And working on reviewing Arabic.
All in addition to this thesis on which I'm trying to make progress.
My classes are fun. I really like them.
Class 1 is my obligatory Arabic class. This quarter it's Arabic 411: Colloquial Arabic I. I've had the professor before, so I know his teaching style. And though I struggle with listening and speaking, I'm going to do my best to keep up. I don't think it'll be bad, as long as I stick to keeping up with it.
Class 2 is International Studies 245: Intro to the Modern Middle East. It will be really interesting and very easy, since I am already familiar with a lot.
Class 3 is Political Science 545: Foreign Policy Decision-Making. It's taught by the head of the Poli Sci department, and I really like him. It's going to be very interesting, though perhaps a bit difficult, but it such a way as to make it enjoyable.
There are no papers in any of the classes. Just lectures and exams and thinking. I don't get out from final exams until the very last day, once again, but oh well. More time to pick up some shifts. I'll need it.
I really didn't feel like I was ready to return to school.
I wanted nothing to do with my life in Columbus yet.
But now that I'm here, I'm doing alright. I think it's yet another example of not wanting things to change, but knowing they're a necessity in life and the only way in which you grow. So I force myself to embrace it when it comes my way.
Right now, though, I'm feeling really introverted. A little pensive. Nothing bad. But I just don't know why. Oh well. I'm going to use it as an opportunity for me-time and to get some work done early. Lovely. :)
Side Note: I am wearing a bra I bought for $2 at Marc's and which hooks in the front. Win. xD
You go girl!