Sunday, December 19, 2010


It is hella late, and I did not quite finish Infinite Jest, but I will do so tomorrow.

The rest of the evening was pretty frustrating, but not as shitty as the morning.
As soon as we got back from grocery shopping, we left straight away for my sister's gymnastics meet--which lasted five and a half hours.
Thennnn my family ate out for the SECOND time today (and are going to do so again tomorrow....UGHHHH).
Then we came home, ate our McDonald's (ewwww), and watched Big Bang Theory episodes from the past two weeks.
Then, I finished up some details of a couple Christmas gifts, then snuggled in for doing my damnedest to finish Infinite Jest. Alas, I found myself feigning consciousness, so I have stopped with 132 pages left. I WILL CONQUER IT TOMORROW! I AM DETERMINED!

Anyway, look forward to another update tomorrow.

Oh, btw, rip DADT----NOT!!!!
I <3 Queers

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