Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Time is Irrelevant

It's late/early; I'm pensive.

I'm not necessarily going to write a whole lot about what I'm thinking--that's what my journal is for.

I feel like I should keep my few readers updated as per my mental status.

I decided to change my major again.
I've dropped the political science major entirely. I simply do not see myself doing anything with it, and the classes interest me less and less.
I've decided to do what I should have done all along: psychology.
Yes, I know that a lot of the time, it is the cop-out major (along with English), but it's something that's always interested me. I can't believe I waited this long to decide to study it.
Plus, I can see myself doing something psychology- or social work-related, whereas I couldn't see myself doing anything with Arabic or political science.
Don't get me wrong! I'm still finishing my Arabic major, since I'm so close anyway, but I know I won't use it, so why lay my hopes so heavily on it?

Anyway, things are going well.
Since I dropped the poli sci major, I also dropped the class that would give me poli sci credit for my internship with Mondokio International News, LLC. So it's nice to have that extra time.
My psychology class isn't going badly. I'm behind on the work, but I've taken my first exam and now know what to expect. I'm not worried. I'm hoping to be done with all my studying by the end of next week, the week after at the latest. Then I shall have a full month and a half of no learning, just fun (and reading and music and yay!).
There are some ups and some downs, but they seem to be evening themselves out well.
Things are going well with walt, though they are a bit messy, but we're talking it all out, so it's not bad.
Things are going very well with another newer friend named Tim.

At this point in the summer, I'm really hoping to deal with my anxiety a bit better. My mood disorder is always a nuisance, but I've been doing alright with it lately. It hasn't bothered me too much in the past month. Anxiety-wise, I'm trying to stay calm about things that really bother me even though they shouldn't, things like missing the bus or being 5 minutes late to work (where the schedule is ridiculously flexible), dishes not being done, hair in the bathtub and on the sink, stuff like that. I've pretty much come to the conclusion (although there's always a chance of it changing, haha) that I am meant to live alone. I like things done in a certain way, and when it's not, I feel unorganized and mentally cluttered. I just need to chill. I'm trying to take the opportunity of summer and new friends to help me do this, and so far I think it's going alright? But really, what do I know. You'd have to tell me. :-P

Yes, yes. It it Saturday night, and I am watching a Coachella documetary. Don't judge my weekend activities, and I won't judge your frequent alcohol consumption. ;)

Goodnight, loves.

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