So it's Tuesday.
We had trouble uploading photos onto facebook last night, but rest assured, it has been remedied.
Today, we went to the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum and Harrod's. My camera wasn't working, so nothing much to post on here or facebook. Check out Walt's. He took hundreds. Mostly of stuffed animals.
The Natural History Museums was huge, and we spent most of the day there, but not horribly impressive. Their taxidermy animals were all faded. The panda bear was seriously white and beige. wtf?
But yes, it was a great day. We also saw the Hubble IMAX 3D movie. It was so cool.
Just before it, Walt and I bought tickets, went to a corner store, bought a 2-litre of Dr. Pepper, and chugged most of it, then met Beckie and Matt in the museum theatre. It was a blast.
The Science Museums was AMAZING. And we got very little done, and are definitely going back. It is free, after all!
Then we went to Harrod's. Not my thing. I felt really claustrophobic and uncomfortable. So much crazy expensive designer stuff and dumbass people willing to pay hundreds of dollars for it. Seriously. An umbrella was over 100 pounds. What the fuck?
We came home and have been uploading photos and eating dinner and watching youtube videos.
It is now 11:15pm. I'm exhausted. Off to bed.
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