Sunday, March 28, 2010

London, Day 11 of 12

Yes yes yes, it has been far too busy here to update every night as I'd planned. Apologies!

We've since visited Abney Cemetery, finished our expedition of the Science Museum, eaten at a shady Chinese buffet cuz it was cheap and we were hungry, went to Brick Lane and had SALTY BEEF BAGELS with MUSTARD, walked through Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, got threatened by a swan, went to G-A-Y bar twice (perhaps again tomorrow night for one last hurrah?) and danced to Lady Gaga the entire time, went to Crazy Homies tequila bar twice, went to TWO West End shows: Avenue Q and Wicked, and going back to Camden Market tomorrow to pick up my sister a cute lil doohicky for her birthday and myself one and a itty present for James. Everything's eensy weensy because we didn't check any bags and carry everything on, soooo no snowglobes and only wittle fings, i.e. postcards.


So yes, tomorrow is the last day. Then we fly back. We'll spend the entire day traveling. I'm not expecting it to be bad. We're coming in during the middle of the week. I just have some reading I need to do before class on Thursday. Plus, uhh... I have an 8:30am class on Wednesday. Whateva. It'll be fine. :)

I've thoroughly enjoyed this vacation and had so much fun with my cousins and Walt. I'm so glad we got the chance to do this. Now, some reading that's due Thursday. ONWARD HO!

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