Sunday, August 16, 2009


Summer is the time when all I want is for school to start up again.

I have some things I need to do and plenty of friends to see, but I keep asking myself:
Is it September yet?

BUT I'm excited, because BW starts school soon, which means, Christian will be in Ohio starting Thursday!

So this week is going to be great:
Tuesday~helping Mary paint her living and dining rooms, then cooking her dinner
Wednesday~Tim's coming to play with Alyssa and me! LOOK OUT, CLEVELAND!
Thursday~Spending the evening with Christian at BW!
Friday~Spending part-to-all of the day with Christian at BW!
Saturday~Family stuffs... then seeing PATRICK!
Sunday~...still with Patrick, hahaha
Monday~Picking up Trudgen from the airport, visiting my uncle at work and perhaps getting lunch, chilling with Christian after class, MM show??

Mmm can't WAIT!

Now, on to planning meals and filling out my paperwork to get my portable hard drive replaced and helping mom clean up from the garage sale and perhaps starting my Starbucks application.

Yeahhh whatever!

I can't wait to get back to school, despite the intensity of this upcoming year.
Also, I have a shrink appointment for September 15.
It's time. I'm ready.

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