If you are reading this, you know that I have very out-there ideas.
But hopefully you also know that I compromise really well.
That being said, enjoy my musings.
If you are reading this, you know that I have very out-there ideas.
But hopefully you also know that I compromise really well.
That being said, enjoy my musings.
Those craaaazy pro-life displays of aborted babies, claiming that it is genocide (which makes me giggle quite a bit), has prompted me to release how I think the perfect world should operate regarding this topic.
Obviously, morals not included nor given a shit about.
I always start out the discussion by letting everyone know I'm pro-abortion. It gets some fun looks.
Besides, if people weren't so set on abstinence-only education, there would be far fewer abortions.
Anyway, I think people should have to apply to have children. Just like they do to get married.
If the person/couple does not have a household income above a certain level, the absolute minimum possible to care for themselves and a child, then their application to have a child would be denied.
And if they intentionally break the rule and are caught, if it's still a pre-natal situation, forced abortion. I haven't worked out what happens if it's after that. I'm not going to advocate killing children, although every time I'm in a movie theatre I seriously consider it...
Of course, abortions would be cheaper and easier to get, in the case of an accident. Basically, if you are pregnant and go to them, they will help you, no questions asked, for a very small cost (compared to usual). If you don't, they'll catch you, scoop out the fetus, and charge you for it.
But those women who break the rules 3 times or more (and are caught), they will be sterilized.
Fear is the most powerful tool.
See, if you put that fear in someone, they are much less likely to break the rule and more likely to work to be able to achieve their goal of having a child without worrying about watching that dream go down the drain. Literally.
Or I suppose if sterilization's too far, we could make it required for every woman belonging to a household below the floor income to have children to get those implants in their arms. Although the down side is more casual sex and STDs.
I see the children that households with an income too low to properly support them as a disadvantage to the economy and the country as a whole.
Overpopulation is an easy one.
Though true that having children cause people to spend more, I can't the children born into low-income families are helping much since they only have so much money and are most likely spending it all already. No significant increase in overall spending, economically speaking.
And if they are born into a low-income situation, they most likely won't be raised properly, oftentimes dropping out of school, thus increasing the population and decreasing labor capital.
And no abstinence only bullshit education.
In a perfect world....
Well, that's my schpeal. Feel free to comment and tell me how horrible of a person I am--I find it a nice ego boost and funny as hell--but I won't be replying to them (maybe).
I leave you with one last statement:
If those pro-life posters on campus are true and abortion is genocide, then I've been a racist most of my life.
This is ridiculous. I am a real american and I don't abort my babies. I support a family of 10 just fine on my income. Sure we have had to make our sacrifices, but God loves me for having my babies. You are a terrible person! You need to know what it is like to have these babies! America believes in babies, and they save our economy. It's people like you and President Osama that our ruining America!
ReplyDeleteLoL sorry to say but the new generations are fucked either way you abort them or not. THEY will ruin this country along with Obama and all the other socialist bastards....
ReplyDeleteCount on the new baby boom to fix the eco and America? are you fucken retarded? LOL
"President Osama"
ReplyDeleteThank you for showing how much of an ignorant idiot you are so I don't have to.
Also "... that our ruining America"
You'd think with all that Bible readin' you'd have better grammar.
"The new generations.... will ruin this country along with Obama.."
hmm. So let me get this straight. The children being born (or not) right now are going to ruin the country with someone who will be out of office before they turn 9?
I weep for logic.
That said, reproduction is not a privilege, but a right.
And to solve a problem with no regard for ethics is as foolish as it is to base policy on religion.
With your line of thought, Swift's Modest Proposal isn't satire anymore.
There is a such thing as the sanctity of life.
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ReplyDelete'Tis why it is my perfect world, Tim.
ReplyDeleteAnd why it is entirely imaginary.
Although I must contest that it is not one that disregards ethics; mine just happen to be different than most.
Also. Sanctity of life is in the eye of the beholder.
I prefer to benefit many by hurting few.
successful troll is successful
ReplyDeleteI hate you, Andrew >.<