Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Life After College

It's official! I am a college graduate. Hopefully my B.A. in Arabic & Psychology will come in handy someday.
Until then, it's just a fancy piece of paper....that I have yet to pick up. (I skipped the graduation ceremony so I could visit my sister in Pittsburgh)

I'm excited to have actually made it through university. I almost didn't make it. Truly.
Mental illness almost forced me to drop out.
BUT! I have actually graduated from DBT! I've completed therapy. And honestly, it's a therapy that I think everyone should go through. There are so many fantastic coping mechanism and skills, even for people who don't have issues with emotion regulation and the like. (www.dbtselfhelp.com is a nice little website that lists some of these skills). I'm so proud of completing it. I feel so much more confident in handling my emotions and regulating my responses to them. So, so thankful for the program. Marsha Linehan saved my life.

Anyway, today was my first day at a new job. I am now working at a tea salon. It's pretty much my dream part time job, what, with my love for tea and culture. It's also my first take at serving, and oh dear, is it challenging. But I am enjoying it nonetheless.

The weirdest part of being out of school [for now]? My nightmares have changed to encompass an entirely different genre. Instead of dreaming that I sleep through exams, I'm dreaming about sins. I had a weird dream where I was given a glowing, sparkling pill and got super high. When I woke up, my first action was to laugh aloud at the state of my nightmares. They have moved from school to seven deadly sins! How hilarious!

It's really cool to finally get to read books and have free time. I watched 4 movies in 2 weeks! WOO!
Nevertheless, free time is scarce this week and next, as I have 2 40-hour weeks of training--plus work at the office, which is supposed to be 30 hours a week. But things will calm down after that. It's only disappointing because this week is my spring break week, and I won't have much time to see Tim before school starts back up again. But c'est la vie! I will live.

I'm starting to get excited about the future. But most of all, I'm relieved that I will be able to make rent! I could've done it with just the office job, but the second job is allowing me to save money--and to also have money to spend time with friends, since I finally have the time to do so.

In closing, I love you. All of you.
Always remember that somebody does.