Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What's your favorite Arabic word?

Hahaha oh wow. That is a totally crazy question!

Well, my current two favorites are:

بنفسجي [binufsijy]: purple
حقيقة [ḥaqeeqa]: truth

I just like how they sound. The first is insanely fun to say, and the second contains my favorite sound (not present in English). The meanings are entirely random, haha.

This is where you ask the questions you want answered. Or to make a random comment. Whatever the fuck you want to say.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

checked out Alexandria @Glee

Give my Baby Alex a Gold Star so she can be on Glee and get the big break she deserves!!!
The audio isn't that great, due to college kid lack of access to good recording equipment, but you can hear the clarity of her tone. She's amaaazing!

checked out Alexandria @Glee

P.S. You can vote once a day!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Quarter 2010

Sorry I haven't posted since before we returned from London!
Obviously we got back safely.

It is now spring quarter, and I am loving it!
True, that pale skin of mine which lacks pigment burns in the time it takes me to walk to class, but my classes are absolutely BITCHIN!

I am taking 3 classes:
(I was smart enough to only take classes I'm über interested in due to the cabin fever that is SPRING)

Arabic 411--Colloquial Arabic part 2
-->I've just gotta finish up the series. I mean... It was a bitch last quarter, but I think I know how to beat the system now. And by beat the system, I mean study correctly. It should be fine--it certainly can't be any worse than last quarter.

Linguistics 367.01--Language, Sex, and Gender in American Culture
-->This is my second writing course, and it's absolutely awesome! The prof is a young, hippie linguist who is an absolute joy in the classroom. I love this class so much that the two intense assignments we got this morning didn't dampen my day even a little.

History 526--Historical Perspectives on Sexuality: Same Sex Sexuality in the Western World
-->The professor for this class is fantastic! She is an older lesbian woman who is an absolute hoot. She is so witty and hilarious in class! I love the readings. Everything about this class is so great!

So, yes. I am in the middle of doing a ton of reading for the week, while listening to the xx (even though they are playing a killer show a mere 4 blocks away. DAMN YOU, RESPONSIBILITY!)

Soon, I will be shoving off to bed. Work at the library beckons early as shit. Drrr. D:

In other news, I BOUGHT A KITCHENAID STAND UP MIXER TODAY! Well, more so committed to buy it/had it set aside at a lady's garage sale this weekend. Yay craigslist! I got a $250 mixer for $125. YESSS! I also bought a $40, highly-recommended belgian waffle maker for $15. I LOVE COOKING AND CAN'T WAIT UNTIL SUMMER WHEN I HAVE A REAL KITCHEN!!!!


Anyways, G'NIGHT! xD